Get your share of funding with Nonprofit Grantwriting courses!
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There is a lot more to getting funds from foundations, businesses and government than meets the eye. There's prospect research, building relationships, creating budgets, strong narratives and effective evaluation. Whether you pick a comprehensive course, or select content from more than one Content Expert, there's lots to learn from the nonprofit grantwriting courses you'll find on Nonprofit.Courses.
Check out the content below and see how nonprofit grantwriting courses can help you, and those you serve, today.
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Should You Write Grants Into Your Annual Budget?, by Funding for Good
What is Proactive Grant Seeking
Government Grants 101: 5 Steps for Getting Government Grant Ready ft. Patrice Davis | Instrumentl, by Instrumentl
Effectively Communicating Your Impact with Leadership and Funders, by SureImpact
Behind the Foundation Curtain: Part 4
Impact-centric Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast, by SureImpact
Get Funded: An Ex-Grants Reviewer Reveals Secrets
Grow Your Confidence So You Can Grow Your Mission ft. Katie Appold | Instrumentl Grants Workshop, by Instrumentl
How Much Time Does It Take to Write a Grant?
How to Create Relationships w Grantmakers
Evaluating and Optimizing Your Nonprofit Programs, with Allison Shurilla, by dotOrgStrategy
Mobile App: Submitting a Completed Application Within the App
What Am I Supposed to Say? A Step-by-Step Guide to Calling Grant Funders by Teresa Huff
Demonstrating Program Impact, by Supporting World Hope
Show Me the Data, by Fundraising Hayday
How to avoid key grant seeking mistakes with Michelle Nusum-Smith, by Mission Impact
Stressing Accountability for Improving Client Outcomes, by SureImpact
Government Contracting: What You Need To Know, by TVA Consulting
5 Key Strategies to Improve Your Projects for Grant Success ft. Jami Yazdani | Instrumentl Workshop, by Instrumentl
Check-in With the Scrum Masters – Meet the Team Featuring Bethany
Maximize Spend + Growth With The Google Ad Grant FINAL, by Community Boost
Kickoff your grantwriting right by taking the Grant Writing Skills Suite.
This two-course bundle offers the introductory through intermediate skills needed for those involved in gaining funding for any nonprofit organization's mission.
Strategic grant writing aligns the needs of a nonprofit with funding sources, whether those sources are foundations, government agencies, corporations, or individuals. The first course in this bundle, Introduction to Grant Writing, offers a guide to the basics of grant writing. The course explores the relationship between grant writing and an organization's strategy for fundraising. It also outlines the six stages of grant writing and highlights grant writing best practices.
Advanced Grant Writing, the second course in this bundle, challenges learners to push those newly acquired grant writing skills to the next level, challenging learners to ask iterative questions in order to sharpen and refine each grant proposal and push it to the top of the pack. By looking closely at how a logic model can shore up a proposal at each key stage, this course will demonstrate how to push planning, evaluation, and budgeting from good to great.