Record Your Success! by Nonprofit.Courses Professional Development Management System
  • You want to recommend that great video you watched. What was it's name?
  • Your annual review's coming up. Where's that list of your professional development accomplishments?
  • You've read... watched... listened, but you still feel like there are gaps. But where?
  • Your job is becoming so much more - a career! Where do you reflect and analyze what you've done, where you want to go, and set goals?

For all of these and so much more - you need Record You Success! by Nonprofit.Courses!

Record Your Success! is a professional development management system customized specifically for nonprofit staff and volunteers. It's for anyone who runs, works in, volunteers at, or supports a nonprofit, charity, or other organization that supports the public good.

And it's only available on Nonprofit.Courses.

With Record Your Success! you can...

white haired woman pointing to Record your Success! list of advantages

  • Record ALL your professional development experiences in one place
  • Carry your accomplishments between jobs
  • Motivate yourself by creating and tracking customizable goals
  • Show your boss progress on your professional development objectives
  • See where your gaps are, and where you've drilled deep

And that's just a few ways to use this growing, career building tool.

Record Your Success! white man with red hair watching webinarRecord Your Success! is a flexible system designed as the perfect place to log...

  • Every video you watch
  • Every podcast you hear
  • Every webinar you attend
  • Every class you take
  • Every degree you earn
  • Every book you read
  • Every article you write

And so much more. And it doesn't matter if you did something through Nonprofit.Courses, a university, your local association. With Record Your Success! you can record anything from anyplace you worked to build your professional knowledge, enhance your career, and serve your nonprofit's mission.

Best of all, with Record Your Success!, your professional development accomplishments are...

Yours: You record what you want and develop your own goals to meet your own career objectives!

Portable: Moving jobs? No problem. Take it with you. Run a report of your professional development accomplishments for every prospective employer.

Accessible: No joining a costly association. Your information isn't trapped in your employer's system. It's all right where you can get it, anytime, anyplace.

and Affordable! For less than $6.00 a month* Record Your Success! is the bank for one of your most valuable career possessions: your education.

And it's more than recording... through Record Your Success!'s informative Dashboard and Learning Plan you can review, analyze and set goals this year, and well into the future. You can even run reports of your accomplishments for your boss, or to include on a resume.

Record Your Success! puts you in control of managing your professional development.


But maybe you're thinking...

NonprofitEd with questions about Record your Success!Why not use a spreadsheet?

You can do the same with your accounting... your gift recording... your donor's names - but there are really good solutions for each that record the basics and let you do so much more! Doesn't your career deserve more?

My employer offers something like this. 

Some do. But what if you leave? Can you carry that information with you? Besides, even if you can, is grabbing your valuable professional development data the first thing you think of as you clean out your office?

My professional association offers this.

A lot do. But what if your employer can't pay the dues this year? Can you still access the information?

I don't need the reports and the planning.

Maybe not now, but as you start recording more and more information, you'll want to know where the gaps are, and start seeing the bigger picture in your career.

My job doesn't have professional development goals.

Yes, but you should set your own goals! Even if you don't aspire to be the boss or change jobs, you owe it to yourself to record what you do so you can make plans for what you need or want - or for what your nonprofit's mission needs or wants.

I'm a volunteer. Why do I need Record Your Success!?

If you're a volunteer, especially if you volunteer with more than one nonprofit, Record Your Success! is a great tool to help you grow personally, and show your value to every nonprofit you serve.

I'm not going to change jobs.

It may not be your decision. Nonprofits change their personnel needs all of the time. Recording your professional development accomplishments shows your next employer how seriously you take your work - and can show your value to your current employer if they're contemplating a change.

I'm a nonprofit founder.

There is SO MUCH you need to learn when you're starting a nonprofit. Recording it in one place keeps you on track to meeting your goals. Plus, as you hire or bring in volunteers, you can offer Record Your Success! as a benefit - a good faith display of how much you value their own growth.

Still not so sure? How about a month's Record Your Success! subscription for FREE?

Enter in anything you've done lately. Put in some of your past accomplishments - like your degrees, or conferences or seminar. Add in some live webinars or podcasts. Then test out the Learning Plan area. Do some Self Analysis. Reflect on your career. Set your Learning Goals.

We're sure you'll love it and subscribe. (And if not, no problem. Record Your Success! will revert to a lesser professional development program called PD able Basic, for free.)

*$5.50 per month with an annual subscription of $66.00